
Teleradiology is a telemedicine service that includes the provision of remote radiological services using information and communication technologies. Usually, these are radiological images and computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) taken in one place and examined by healthcare professionals at a different, remote location where they are diagnosed and from which they send opinions and therapy recommendations.

The primary goal of introducing radiology telemedicine services is to make radiology examinations available in isolated and difficult to reach areas such as islands and rural areas, as well as in healthcare facilities with a lack of appropriate professional workers.

Contemporary radiology has been almost completely digitized and all radiological images (conventional images, CT, MRI, ultrasound examinations) are in digital format in accordance with the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. In addition to the radiological image format, the DICOM standard also prescribes the way in which the image material is transferred over computer networks and stored on a variety of media. In order to facilitate unrestricted transmission and connection of radiological inquiries, findings and opinions in telemedicine, the Croatian Institute of Emergency Medicine has implemented all radiology sections that have teleradiology with the RIS system (Radiology Information System). The RIS system enables authorization, writing findings in a standardized format, creating work lists, ordering, accessing earlier radiological examinations, as well as connecting with various other major medical systems and accessing various databases in order for the radiologist to have as much information as possible while interpreting the findings.